
Step Counter

The Step Counter Classroom Kit comes complete with step-by-step instructions and lessons plans to empower students to build a healthy future, one step, one bite, one fun move at a time!  The Step Counter Kit is a gateway to actively engaging students in combating childhood obesity—a significant public health challenge in the United States. Leading students to a world of physical fitness and innovation!

The Kit Includes Everything Students Need to Get Started: 

    • Micro:bit v2 pocket-sized computer: Your coding canvas, ready to bring your step counter vision to life.
    • USB cables: Power up your Micro:bit and connect it to your computer for coding.
    • AAA battery holders and AAA batteries: Start counting steps right away!

Items are listed per Kit

Here’s What Wakes This Kit a Game-Changer:

      • Students Code their own step counter: Design custom displays, set goals, and track their progress in real-time.
      • Build Creativity Skills: Students design theirs step counters to stand out! Add LEDs, personalize the display, and build fun sound effects to celebrate achievements.
      • No limits, just possibilities: Students explore coding concepts, experiment with different features.




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